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Centro di Servizi Culturali per Stranieri
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Courses in Italian Language - Program

•Winter, Spring and Autumn Course: 120 hours
•Summer Course: 90 hours

Students take a placement test(written and oral) on the first day of the course that allows teachers to recommend the appropriate level.


 This course aims to enable students to grasp the fundamental structures of Italian grammar and the more basic forms of communication,according to the A1-A2 level of the CEFR. By the end of the course, students will be able to understand short and simple descriptive texts and to interact in a simple way on every-day and familiar topics(family,work,hobbies). Students are placed into a multilingual classroom and are involved in a group dynamic that encourages sociocultural debate. Syllabus


This course allows students to consolidate and increase their knowledge of Italian grammar.Students are also called to improve their communication skills. By the end of the course students will be able to understand a variety of medium difficulty texts and to produce short descriptive and narrative texts. Students gain experience interacting with native speakers in private and public contexts(travelling,shopping,city services). Students are placed into a multilingual classroom and are involved in a group dynamic that encourages sociocultural debate. Syllabus 



 This course aims to improve Italian language competence reaching the skills according to the B2 level of the CEFR. The course develops students' aptitude to understand and produce medium lenght argumentative and narrative texts, to increase their vocabulary related to specific areas of study(art, literature, cinema, theater). and to interact more spontaneously with native speakers. By the end of the course students will be able to express opinions on socio-cultural issues. Students are placed in a multilingual classroom and are involved in a group dynamic that encourages sociocultural and sociolinguistic debate. Syllabus



 This course is dedicated to the achievement of Effective OperationalProficiency level (C1) described in the CEFR. Students consolidate and increase writting and speaking skills from the previous levels and develop proficiency by producing clear and well-constructed argumentative, narrative and expository texts , improving their ability to communicate and maintaining easy and natural interactions with native speakers(in formal and informal contexts). By the end of the course students will acquire a flexible and effective language for social, academic and professional communications. Students are placed into a multilingual classroom and are called to actively partecipate in the group dynamic, through a sociolinguistic and sociocultural perspective. Syllabus 



last update: 15-Apr-2015
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